My pregnancy was something that I had dreamt about for my whole life. Something that many time we thought it wouldn't happen but God is good and we got the happiest news that we were expecting a sweet little girl.
Yesterday I shared about announcing our pregnancy to our friends, but today I want to share ,my 1
pregnancy must have and we will be giving one away over at Instagram!
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Like I was saying after 5 years or marriage and 3 long months of trying we were blessed with the two pink lines us women hope and pray for!
It honesty was one of the happiest times ever, but things got heavy and fast.
The cream one, rolled up to show my belly! |
As a 5 foot girl, I had back problems and when the belly started to weigh a little more my back started to hurt. I tried everything, sitting up straight and every belly band on the market, and then I remember a this post I saw on Natalie from At home with Natalie a while back and I went to and bought 2 Blanqi Belly support tank. One in cream and one in black and mamas I LIVED in them my whole entire pregnancy.
It saved my life and my back.
There are two beautiful jams behind Blanqi and I'll tell you what I told Sabina when I contacted her. "You saved my life during my pregnancy"
I contacted them when I was working in @ourhopeformartin auction this last month and they donated a great deal and now, today they are giving away a Blanqi support tank a value of $72 just for a blessed mama on Instagram. So go ahead and join us tonight for a chance to win this amazing product. You won't regret it! I promise.
Sneak peek!! You get this amazingness for free!!
Sneak peek!! You get this amazingness for free!!
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